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What if the five and dime...
September 10, 2008

Here's a quick link you’ll probably want to use right now...

What would you do if you could sit in a room with two of the best list-builders on the Internet?

And, what if you could learn the simple, yet very effective tactics that they're currently using to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with their lists?

What if I told you the names of these experts were Gary Ambrose and Keith Wellman, and that you could get this information for only 5 cents?

Would you get a little excited?

Well... It's all true in the brand new, just launched Nickel Mania X...

The only thing is... the price goes up with every sale, and people are moving FAST on this one.


I know one thing... I wouldn't be sitting here pondering "what if" questions anymore if I just found out all of that! I would be securing my extremely low price right now.

Here's that link again:


Jim Green

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