Magical Things Happen When You Aspire to Best Seller Status!
When you aspire to best seller status before you write a single word of your book, magical things really do happen; phenomenal occurrences such as….
• You multiply the odds one hundredfold of having a proposal for publication accepted;
• You open the door to a myriad of residual and incremental earning opportunities.
Here is an early example from my own experience…
I wrote Starting Your Own Business (How To Books Limited ISBN 9781845284206) way back in 1994, was offered a contract for traditional publication within days of submitting my proposal, and just six months later thrilled at watching my first book, my first ever best seller fly off the shelves of major chains.
Over the years this pragmatic volume has enjoyed five editions together with multiple reprints and now a sixth edition is set for release worldwide in June 2010.
15 years on the bookshelves of major chains is a long time in the publishing industry for a single title and (despite the fact the content has remained unchanged; only updated as required) it shows no sign of slowing down.
But this wasn’t a one-off because my good fortune continued and from just 2 topics I created another 16 bestselling non-fiction books.
Then in 2000 I turned my hand to fiction and began to churn out a steady stream of best selling novels in this new-to-me genre…
And yet at the outset no one was more amazed than me at the flyaway impact of my first book; my first best seller.
You see, it was only after I set about researching to flesh out what makes a book a best seller; dissecting, stripping down, and evaluating the ingredients of my own best selling work that the full force of what I had accomplished hit me right between the eyeballs…
I had subconsciously created a best selling book…
Could you CONSCIOUSLY write a best seller?

Click Here to See if You Have What it Takes...