“Why I Am Looking for a New Home for My 9 Year Old Website...”
Nine years ago I launched writing-for-profit.com as a coaching portal for aspiring writers and embryonic authors; dispensing the knowledge I have gleaned as a bestselling author spanning 20 years and 40 traditionally published titles.
My mission statement has neither waned nor waxed in all that time inasmuch as I have never charged for the instruction contained within this portal’s 40 content pages (although I have attracted substantial income from the external links to my self-generated writing courses and sundry other creative pursuits).
So why am I selling my website and what interest could it hold for a prospective buyer?
As I approach my 81st birthday I feel it is time I passed the baton to a younger enthusiast.
What that enthusiast will acquire in essence is the website’s impressive set of sustained analytics: This site sits at #1 out of 89,800,000 results on Google for its core key phrase “writing for profit” and has consistently featured without a break in the top two slots during its 9-year lifespan; it is #1 on Yahoo!, #1 on Bing ; and has 1029 in-bound links (source: Google Webmaster Tools).
Could you pick up where I leave off and capitalise on my nine years of effort in driving traffic to this highly popular niche website?

Site launched in April 2003Renewal date December 2012
130 pages indexed in Search Engine HQ
40 pages of original content personally created by me

SiteBuilder block systemRights to all images are included
Home Page Search Engine rankings: #1 on Google, Yahoo! & Bing
Link Popularity of the site is 33.5
1029 inbound or back links (Source: Google Webmaster Tools)
Asking price $600 calculated at $15 per content page
Free gifts remain on website